Knee 2.0 … one year in (or out, depends on your perspective)

My knee surgery anniversary came and went on Jan. 5th, 2013.  The good news is I didn’t think about it at all.  Life is going on, in a good way.  When you are as hard-headed as I am, you can go a long time with a painful situation.  But, here it is, a year and almost a month and I am mobile and very, very glad to be able to walk, climb and, on occasion, to hop just a little if need be.  I’m not out there playing games as I did at one time, but, it is so good to be able to be mobile without pain.

Our friend, Kathy Brimberry, just had knee surgery 3 days ago.  I don’t remember too much about my first few days, thankfully, but I do know that it involves a good bit of pain and a pain-med fog while in the hospital.  Hopefully you will forgot most of these three days.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Mike as you press into the recovery process and regain a part of your life that has become too much ‘less than’, which is why we have the surgery.

Like they told me, it takes three days to get out of the hospital, three weeks to be able to walk without aids, three months to regain reasonable mobility and finally, a year to forget you had surgery.  I haven’t totally forgotten … sometimes when I get up from a chair, my knee will have a funny click or a little something will go on to indicate … that feels strange.  But, it is working.  Also, the docs tell you to flex it as much as you can and take the pain meds when it hurts because enduring the pain does not hurry the healing process.  .. That was actually contrary to what I have always thought … go figure.

Lastly, follow all the PT instructions as much as your body will allow.  Flexibility does not come without effort.  We’re with you on this, Kathy and Mike.  Keep at it.  It will get much better, soon.

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